Small image of a man handing a book to a women across a counter.

At the Circulating Library

A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

Author: Oswald John Frederick Crawfurd

Author: Oswald John Frederick Crawfurd (1834–1909)

Alternate Name(s): John Dangerfield (pseudonym); George Windle Sandys (pseudonym)

Biography: Writer and diplomatist. Editor of the New Quarterly Magazine. See entry in DNB or Sutherland.

Author Tags:

References: DNB; Sutherland; Wellesley

Fiction Titles:

  1. Grace Tolmar: A Novel.  1 vol.  London: Smith, Elder, 1872.
  2. The Fool of the Family, and Other Tales.  2 vol.  London: Sampson Low, 1875.
  3. Alix Fairford: A Novel.  2 vol.  London: Sampson Low, 1877.
  4. Don Garcia in England.  1 vol.  London: Samuel Tinsley, 1879.
  5. The World We Live In: A Novel.  2 vol.  London: Chapman and Hall, 1884.
  6. A Woman's Reputation: A Novel.  2 vol.  London: Chapman and Hall, 1885.
  7. Beyond the Seas: Being the Surprising Adventures and Ingenious Opinions of Ralph Lord St. Keyne.  1 vol.  London: Chapman and Hall, 1887.
  8. Sylvia Arden: A Novel.  1 vol.  London: Kegan Paul, 1888.
  9. The White Feather and Other Stories.  1 vol.  London: Chapman and Hall, 1896.
  10. The New Order: A Novel of To-day.  1 vol.  London: Grant Richards, 1900.