Small image of a man handing a book to a women across a counter.

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A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

Author: Timothy Shay Arthur

Author: Timothy Shay Arthur (1809–1885)

Biography: American novelist.

Author Tags:

Fiction Titles:

  1. The New Story Book: For Girls and Boys.  1 vol.  London: Darton and Clark, 1845.
  2. Riches Have Wings: or, A Tale for the Rich and Poor.  1 vol.  London: J. S. Hodson, 1848.
  3. Rising in the World.  1 vol.  London: J. S. Hodson, 1848.
  4. Insubordination: or, The Shoemaker's Daughters. An American Story of Real Life.  1 vol.  London: J. S. Hodson, 1851.
  5. Woman's Trials: or, Tales and Sketches from the Life around Us.  1 vol.  London: Partridge, 1851.
  6. Agnes, the Possessed: A Revelation of Mesmerism.  1 vol.  London: J. S. Hodson, 1852.
  7. Anna Lee: The Maiden--The Wife--The Mother. A Tale.  1 vol.  Edinburgh: Nelson and Sons, 1853.
  8. True Riches: or, Wealth Without Wings.  1 vol.  London: Thomas Hodgson, 1855.
  9. Ten Nights in a Bar-room, and What I Saw There.  1 vol.  Glasgow: Scottish Temperance League, 1855.
  10. The Poor Woodcutter, and Other Stories.  1 vol.  Halifax: Milner and Sowerby, 1855.
  11. The Good Time Coming.  1 vol.  London: J. S. Hodson, 1856.
  12. Three Nights with the Washingtonians.  1 vol.  Glasgow: Scottish Temperance League, 1856.
  13. Jane Hardy: or, The Withered Heart.  1 vol.  London: Knight and Son, 1857.
  14. Orange Blossoms: A Gift Book for All who have Worn, are Wearing, or are Likely to Wear Them.  1 vol.  London: Knight and Son, 1857.
  15. Bell Martin: An American Story of Real Life.  1 vol.  London: J. S. Hodson, 1858.
  16. Nancy Wimble: or, The Village Gossip.  1 vol.  London: Partridge, 1863.
  17. Sow Well and Reap Well.  1 vol.  Edinburgh: Nelson and Sons, 1864.
  18. Nothing but Money: A Novel.  1 vol.  London: Routledge, 1865.
  19. Life's Crosses, and How to Meet Them.  1 vol.  Edinburgh: W. P. Nimmo, 1865.
  20. Grace Myers' Sewing Machine and Other Tales.  1 vol.  Glasgow: Scottish Temperance League, 1872.
  21. Three Years in a Man-Trap.  1 vol.  London: James Blackwood, 1873.
  22. Choice Tales.  1 vol.  London: James Blackwood, 1873.
  23. The Power of Kindness and Other Stories: A Book for the Example and Encouragement of the Young.  1 vol.  Edinburgh: Nelson and Sons, 1875.
  24. Woman to the Rescue: A Story of the New Crusade.  1 vol.  London: W. Nicholson & Sons, 1875.
  25. The Hand but Not the Heart: or, The Life Trials of Jessie Loring.  1 vol.  London: W. Nicholson & Sons, 1877.
  26. Helen Lee: or, The Old Man's Bride.  1 vol.  London: W. Nicholson & Sons, 1877.
  27. Light on Shadowed Paths.  1 vol.  London: W. Nicholson & Sons, 1877.
  28. Temperance Stories for the Young.  1 vol.  London: Partridge, 1878.
  29. Heart Histories and Life Pictures.  1 vol.  London: W. Nicholson & Sons, 1878.
  30. The Bar-Rooms at Brantly: or, The Great Hotel Speculation. A Temperance Tale.  1 vol.  London: Hamilton, 1879.
  31. Debtor and Creditor: A Tale of the Times.  1 vol.  London: James Blackwood, 1879.
  32. Keeping Up Appearances: A Tale for the Rich and Poor.  1 vol.  London: James Blackwood, 1879.
  33. Making Haste to be Rich: or, The Temptation and Fall.  1 vol.  London: James Blackwood, 1879.
  34. Retiring from Business: or, The Rich Man's Error.  1 vol.  London: James Blackwood, 1879.