Small image of a man handing a book to a women across a counter.

At the Circulating Library

A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

Author: Emily Harriett Bowles

Author: Emily Harriett Bowles (1818–1904)

Biography: Emily Harriett Bowles was born on 28 January 1818 in Milton and came from a wealthy family in Abingdon, Berkshire. Her brother was the Roman Catholic convert Frederick Bowles and she herself converted in 1843. Bowles met Cardinal Newman in 1840 and kept up a life-long correspondence with the prelate. She wrote and translated fiction. She died on 4 August 1905 in Southampton.

Author Tags:

References: Probate; RLF (case number 2117); Edward Short, Newman and his Contemporaries (T. & T. Clark, 2011)

Fiction Titles:

  1. St. Martha's Home: or, Work for Women.  1 vol.  Dublin: James Duffy, 1864.
  2. Irish Diamonds: or, A Chronicle of Peterstown.  1 vol.  London: Thomas Richardson and Son, 1864.
  3. French Eggs in an English Basket.  1 vol.  London: Burns and Oates, 1872.
  4. In the Camargue.  1 vol.  London: Smith, Elder, 1873.