Author: Charles Dudley Lampen
Author: Charles Dudley Lampen (1859–1943)
Biography: Church of England clergyman and author.
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Fiction Titles:
- The Dead Prior. 1 vol. London: Elliot Stock, 1896.
- The Stranding of the "White Rose": A Story of Adventure. 1 vol. London: S. P. C. K., 1899.
- Mirango the Man-Eater: A Tale of Central Africa. 1 vol. London: S. P. C. K., 1899.
- Barcali the Mutineer: A Tale of the Great Pacific. 1 vol. London: R. A. Everett and Co., 1900.
- O'Callaghan the Slave Trader. 1 vol. London: Digby, Long, 1901.