Small image of a man handing a book to a women across a counter.

At the Circulating Library

A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

Author: Anna de Brémont

Author: Anna de Brémont (1864–1922)

Alternate Name(s): Comtesse (title); Dunphy (maiden name)

Biography: American actress and author.

Author Tags:

Fiction Titles:

  1. The Gentleman Digger: A Study of Johannesburg Life.  1 vol.  London: Sampson Low, 1891.
  2. The Ragged Edge: Tales of the African Gold Fields.  1 vol.  London: Downey, 1895.
  3. A Son of Africa: A Romance.  1 vol.  London: Greening and Co., 1899.
  4. Daughters of Pleasure: Being the History of Neara a Musician, Athene an Actress, and Hera a Singer.  1 vol.  London: Greening and Co., 1900.