Small image of a man handing a book to a women across a counter.

At the Circulating Library

A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

Publisher: Bentley in 1897

Titles published by Bentley in the year 1897:

  1. Rhoda Broughton.  Dear Faustina.  1 vol.
  2. Jessie Catherine Couvreur.  Fiery Ordeal.  1 vol.
  3. Lady Helen Emily Craven.  Notes of a Music-Lover.  1 vol.
  4. Anne Elliot.  Where the Reeds Wave: A Story.  2 vol.
  5. Emma Elliot.  Stapleton's Luck.  2 vol.
  6. Henry Hamilton Fyfe.  A Trick of Fame.  2 vol.
  7. Alfred Frederick Pollock Harcourt.  On the Knees of the Gods: A Novel.  2 vol.
  8. John Edward Jenkins.  Pantalas, and What They Did with Him.  1 vol.
  9. Grace L. Keith Johnston.  A Rash Verdict.  2 vol.
  10. Frances Mary Peard.  The Career of Claudia.  1 vol.
  11. Norah Powys.  In a Country Town: A Story Unfounded on Fact.  1 vol.
  12. James Raine.  A Royal Smile: A Child's Story of York in the Seventeenth Century. Being Some Few Scattered Chapters in the Life of a York Boy, during the Troublous Times of the Great War between King and Parliament.  1 vol.
  13. Sara Bulkley Rogers.  Life's Way.  1 vol.
  14. Elizabeth Sophia Watson.  His Fault, or Hers?: A Novel.  1 vol.
  15. Ellen Wood.  Ashley, and Other Stories.  1 vol.