Small image of a man handing a book to a women across a counter.

At the Circulating Library

A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

Publisher: R. T. S. in 1875

Titles published by R. T. S. in the year 1875:

  1. Anonymous.  The Cottage at the Firs.  1 vol.
  2. Anonymous.  The Forest Crossing: Life in the Canadian Backwoods.  1 vol.
  3. Anonymous.  Guy Beauchamp's Victory.  1 vol.
  4. Anonymous.  My Brother Hugh: and Other Stories of Town and Country.  1 vol.
  5. Anonymous.  Uncle Barnaby's Budget.  1 vol.
  6. Anonymous.  Uncle John's Stories for All Weathers.  1 vol.
  7. Frances Browne.  The Nearest Neighbour and Other Stories.  1 vol.
  8. BTAO "Tales of the Northern Seas".  My Brother Paul: or, A Real Hero.  1 vol.
  9. BTAO "The Two Friends of Forley".  The House at the Corner of Broad Street.  1 vol.
  10. H. Frederick Charles.  The Old Brown Book and its Secret.  1 vol.
  11. Sarah Doudney.  The Great Salterns.  1 vol.
  12. Agnes Giberne.  The Lost Found: or, Brunhild's Trials.  1 vol.
  13. Agnes Giberne.  Lisa Baillie's Journal.  1 vol.
  14. Caroline Gladstone.  Stick to the Raft.  1 vol.
  15. Uncle John.  Richer than Wealth and Other Stories.  1 vol.
  16. Emma Leslie.  Out of the Mouth of the Lion: or, The Church in the Catacombs.  1 vol.
  17. Emma Leslie.  Steps Downward: or, Sarah Seddon's Fall and Recovery.  1 vol.
  18. Matilda Mary Pollard.  "Only Me": An Autobiography.  1 vol.
  19. Matilda Mary Pollard.  Up to Fifteen: A Tale for Boys.  1 vol.
  20. Sophie Amelia Prosser.  The Door Without a Knocker, and Other Tales.  1 vol.
  21. Mary Emily Ropes.  May's Christmas Holidays: or, The Things of Others.  1 vol.
  22. Mary Emily Ropes.  Only a Beggar Boy, and Other Stories.  1 vol.
  23. Crona Temple.  Another's Burden: A Tale of the Yorkshire Colliery District.  1 vol.
  24. Crona Temple.  Life at Hill Farm.  1 vol.
  25. Mrs. O. F. Walton.  Christie's Old Organ: or, "Home Sweet Home".  1 vol.
  26. Elizabeth Youatt.  Mabel's Faith.  1 vol.