Title: Dartmoor Idylls
Author and Title: Sabine Baring-Gould. Dartmoor Idylls
First Edition: London: Methuen, 1896. 1 volume, cr. 8vo., 6s.
- "Little Dixie", Woman at Home, April 1894
- "Jonas Coaker", Woman at Home, May 1894
- "Ephraim's Pinch", Woman at Home, November 1894
- "Goosie Vair", The Minster, March 1895
- "Jolly Lane Cot", Woman at Home, November 1895
Summary: Contains the stories "John and Joan," "Daniel Jacobs," "Snaily House," "Ephraim's Pinch," "Little Dixie," "Jonas Coaker," "Goosie Vair," "The Hammetts," "Jolly Lane Cot," "Green Rushes, O!" and "An Old Cross."
References: BL; EC
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