Title: Little Stories about Women
Author and Title: Constance Fletcher. Little Stories about Women
First Edition: London: Grant Richards, 1897. 1 volume, cr. 8vo., 3s. 6d.
- "The Prince of Morocco", Macmillan's Magazine, July 1891
- "A Woman with No Nonsense about Her", The National Observer, 8 July 1893
- "For Better, For Worse", The National Observer, 29 July 1893
- "At Venice", The National Observer, 26 August 1893
- "Mees", Pall Mall Gazette, 5 December 1893
- "By Accident", The National Observer, 23 December 1893
- "A Freethinker of Castel Gondolfo", The Sketch, 7 February 1894
- "Three Wives", The National Observer, 17 February 1894
- "The Astonishment of Captain Brownrigg", The Speaker, 24 February 1894
- "The Next House", The New Review, January 1895
- "For Ten Francs", The New Review, October 1895
- "A Contemporary", The New Review, May 1896
Summary: Collection of stories.
References: BL; EC
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