Title: Temptation and Atonement, and Other Tales
Author and Title: Catherine Gore. Temptation and Atonement, and Other Tales
First Edition: London: Henry Colburn, 1847. 3 volumes, post 8vo., 31s. 6d.
- "The Fatal Window", Bentley's Miscellany, June 1840
- "The Hot Water Cure", New Monthly Magazine, December 1842
- "Hush!", Bentley's Miscellany, July 1843
- "May Fair at Bruges", New Monthly Magazine, September 1843
- "A Chapter on Grandmothers", Dublin University Magazine, February 1844
- "An Account of a Creditor", Metropolitan Magazine, April 1844
- "Uncle Moseley and the Railroad", Dublin University Magazine, May 1844
- "A Vision of a Royal Ball", New Monthly Magazine, October 1845
- "Temptation and Atonement", Tait's Edinburgh Magazine, September 1846 to December 1846 (monthly)
- "Next of Kin", New Monthly Magazine, November 1846 to January 1847 (monthly)
Summary: Contains the stories "Temptation and Atonement," "Judge Not, that ye be not Judged," "A Passage in the Civil Wars," "A Vision of a Royal Ball," "An Account of a Creditor," "The Hot Water Cure," "May Fair at Bruges," "Hush!," "The Next of Kin," "Second Thoughts are Best," "Uncle Moseley and the Railroad," "The Spinsters' Home," "A Chapter on Grandmothers," and "The Fatal Window."
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References: BL; EC
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