Title: The Courtier of the Days of Charles II, with Other Tales
Author and Title: Catherine Gore. The Courtier of the Days of Charles II, with Other Tales
First Edition: London: Henry Colburn, 1839. 3 volumes, post 8vo., 31s. 6d.
- "The Red Man", New Monthly Magazine, June 1835
- "Les Enfans Trouves", New Monthly Magazine, September 1836
- "The Christening Cloth", Tait's Edinburgh Magazine, January 1837
- "Dives and Lazarus or Ireland", Tait's Edinburgh Magazine, January 1838
- "The Sisters or Nature and Art", Metropolitan Magazine, January 1838
- "Ursel", Metropolitan Magazine, March 1838
- "The Courtier of the Days of Charles II", Metropolitan Magazine, May 1838 to March 1839 (monthly)
- "Married and Single", Tait's Edinburgh Magazine, May 1838
- "The Patriot Martyr of Old England", Tait's Edinburgh Magazine, August 1838
- "The Household Hospital", Tait's Edinburgh Magazine, September 1838
- "The Leper House of Janval", Tait's Edinburgh Magazine, November 1838
- "The Royalists of Peru", Tait's Edinburgh Magazine, May 1839
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References: Bodleian; EC
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