Title: The Mystery of Edwin Drood
Author and Title: Charles Dickens. The Mystery of Edwin Drood
First Edition: London: Chapman and Hall, 1870. 1 volume.
Serialization: 6 parts unfinished, 1s per part, illustrated by Luke Fildes, London: Chapman and Hall, April 1870 to September 1870 (monthly)
Summary: Illustrated by Luke Fildes. Dickens died in the midst of writing this novel.
Title Tags:
- Character: Drug Addict
- Format: Unfinished Serializations
- Reprint Series: Nineteenth-Century Fiction (2019)
- Reprint Series: Penguin Classics (2016)
- Reprint Series: Oxford World's Classics (2017)
References: BL; EC; Harvard; NYPL (parts); Sutherland
- Volume from Google Books
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