Title: The Experiences of Loveday Brooke, Lady Detective
Author and Title: Catherine Louisa Pirkis. The Experiences of Loveday Brooke, Lady Detective
First Edition: London: Hutchinson, 1894. 1 volume, cr. 8vo., 3s. 6d.
- "The Black Bag Left on the Doorstep", The Ludgate Monthly, illustrated by Bernard Higham, February 1893
- "The Murder at Troyte's Hill", The Ludgate Monthly, illustrated by Bernard Higham, March 1893
- "The Redhill Sisterhood", The Ludgate Monthly, illustrated by Bernard Higham, April 1893
- "A Princess's Vengeance", The Ludgate Monthly, illustrated by Bernard Higham, May 1893
- "Drawn Daggers", The Ludgate Monthly, illustrated by Bernard Higham, June 1893
- "The Ghost of Fountain Lane", The Ludgate Monthly, illustrated by Bernard Higham, July 1893
- "Missing!", The Ludgate Monthly, illustrated by Bernard Higham, February 1894
Summary: Illustrated by Bernard Higham.
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References: BL; EC
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