Title: The Sanctuary Club
Author and Title: Elizabeth Thomasina Meade. The Sanctuary Club
First Edition: London: Ward and Lock, 1900. 1 volume, cr. 8vo., 5s.
- "Introduction", Strand Magazine, July 1899
- "A Visible Sound", Strand Magazine, August 1899
- "The Diana Sapphire", Strand Magazine, September 1899
- "East of North", Strand Magazine, October 1899
- "A Handful of Ashes", Strand Magazine, November 1899
- "The Secret of the Prison House", Strand Magazine, December 1899
Summary: Co-authored by Robert Eustace. Illustrated by Sidney Paget. Originally titled Stories of the Sanctuary Club during its serial run.
Title Tags:
References: BL; EC; Loeber
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