Small image of a man handing a book to a women across a counter.

At the Circulating Library

A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

Author: Charles John Jodrell Mansford

Author: Charles John Jodrell Mansford (1863–1943)

Alternate Name(s): Charles John Jodrell Manford (alternate name); Captain (rank)

Biography: Charles James Mansford (later styling himself Charles John Jodrell Mansford) was born in 1863 in London, the son of tailor William James Mansford. In spite of his humble origins, he worked as a publisher's assistant before graduating from the University of London with a B. A. In 1896, he married Louisa Annie Woolstenholmes and the couple had a daughter Louise. Thereafter, he became the headmaster at Grace, Lady Manners Grammar School in Bakewell. Six years later, he became the headmaster of Dartford Grammar School where he remained until 1919. He found time to contribute stories to Strand Magazine in addition to writing several books for boys. During the first world war, he became an honorary captain as a trainer and contributed over 100 articles for the Propaganda Department. His daughter after her marriage moved to Fresno, California and the Mansfords followed. However, by 1934, Mansford returned alone to England where he lived with another woman. He died on 18 Janaury 1843 in Bournemouth after being struck by a taxicab.

Author Tags:

References: The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction; Mary Mansford Prior, "The Rise and Fall of a Literary Headmaster" (

Fiction Titles:

  1. Shafts from an Eastern Quiver.  1 vol.  London: George Newnes, 1894.
  2. Under the Naga Banner.  1 vol.  London: James Hogg, 1896.
  3. A Bride's Experiment: A Story of Australian Bush Life.  1 vol.  London: Bellairs and Co., 1896.
  4. Bully, Fag and Hero: or, In Playground and Schoolroom.  1 vol.  London: Jarrold and Son, 1897.
  5. The Adventures of Mark Paton, and Other Stories.  1 vol.  London: Partridge, 1898.