Author: Neil Munro
Author: Neil Munro (1863–1930)
Alternate Name(s): Hugh Foulis (pseudonym)
Biography: Scottish novelist and journalist. See entry in DNB or Sutherland.
Author Tags:
References: DNB; Sutherland
Fiction Titles:
- The Lost Pibroch, and Other Sheiling Stories. 1 vol. Edinburgh: Blackwood, 1896.
- John Splendid: The Tale of a Poor Gentleman and the Little Wars of Lorn. 1 vol. Edinburgh: Blackwood, 1898.
- Gilian the Dreamer: His Fancy, his Love and Adventure. 1 vol. London: William Isbister, 1899.
- Doom Castle: A Romance. 1 vol. Edinburgh: Blackwood, 1901.
- The Shoes of Fortune: How they Brought to Manhood Love Adventure and Content as also into Divers Perils on Land and Sea in Foreign Parts and in an Alien Army. 1 vol. London: William Isbister, 1901.