Author: Dorothea Hollins
Author: Dorothea Hollins (1864–1916)
Alternate Name(s): Theophila North (pseudonym)
Biography: Dorothea Hollins was born in 1864 in Mansfield, the daughter of mill owner William Hollins and his wife Letitia (née Roberts). She lived a confortable life and resided in fashionable areas in London. According to her obituary, she was multi-talented. Under the pseudonym "Theophilia North," she wrote the novel The Marriage of True Minds (1900). She wrote poetry which appeared in several periodicals. One sonnet won a prize as the second best poem based on one of the painting by G. F. Watts. She was also a musician and composer who performed publicly and taught music. In addition, she took an interest in the rights of women. She never married and died on 25 February 1916 at home in Chelsea.
Author Tags:
References: British Census (1871, 1911); DVPP; Mansfield Reporter (3 March 1916); Probate
Fiction Titles:
- The Marriage of True Minds. 1 vol. London: Grant Richards, 1900.