Periodical: Day of Rest
Periodical: Day of Rest
History: Published weekly on Saturdays, price 1d. Illustrated. Beginning in 1879, published monthly, price 6d.
References: British Library (incomplete); GoogleBooks (volume 4; incomplete)
Novels and short stories serialized in Day of Rest:
- Hesba Stretton. Lost Gip, 4 January 1873 to 22 February 1873 (weekly).
- Katherine Saunders. "Harpers of Min-y-don", 1 March 1873 to 26 April 1873 (weekly).
- Hesba Stretton. The King's Servants, 3 May 1873 to 13 September 1873 (weekly).
- John Saunders. The Shipowner's Daughter, 3 January 1874 to 30 July 1874 (weekly). (Dates approximate).
- Hesba Stretton. Cassy, 3 January 1874 to 21 March 1874 (weekly).
- Sarson C. J. Ingham. The White Cross and Dove of Pearls, 1 July 1874 to 26 June 1875 (weekly). (start date approximate).
- George MacDonald. Thomas Wingfield, Curate, 1 January 1876 to 16 December 1876 (weekly).
- Ellen Ross. Dora's Boy, 6 January 1877 to 30 June 1877 (weekly).
- Eleanor Grace O'Reilly. The Story of Ten Thousand Homes, 6 January 1877 to 23 June 1877 (weekly).
- Eleanor Grace O'Reilly. Phoebe's Fortunes, 7 July 1877 to 29 December 1877 (weekly).
- Richard Rowe. "Dr. Pertwee's Poor Patients", 7 July 1877 to 29 December 1877 (weekly).
- Eleanor Grace O'Reilly. Reed Farm, 5 January 1878 to 29 June 1878 (weekly).
- Eleanor Grace O'Reilly. The Red House in the Suburbs, 6 July 1878 to 28 December 1878 (weekly).
- Richard Rowe. Passages from the Diary of an Early Methodist, 6 July 1878 to 21 December 1878 (weekly).
- Eliza Hunt. The Wards of Plotinus, January 1879 to December 1879 (monthly).
- Jean Ingelow. Don John, January 1881 to December 1881 (monthly).
- Robert Williams Buchanan. God and the Man, January 1881 to December 1881 (monthly).
- William Black. "The Pupil of Aurelius", June 1881.
- Hesba Stretton. The Lord's Purse-Bearers, January 1882 to June 1882 (monthly).