Title: Elizabeth and Other Sketches
Author and Title: Beatrice May Butt. Elizabeth and Other Sketches
First Edition: Edinburgh: Blackwood, 1889. 1 volume, post 8vo., 6s.
- "Nenuphar: A Fancy", Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, October 1876
- "Lois: A Sketch", Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, October 1880
- "Denis", Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, October 1881
- "Dorothy: An Interlude", Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, December 1884
- "Eberhardt", Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, August 1887
Summary: Contains the stories "Elizabeth," "Dorothy: An Interlude," "Lois: A Sketch," "Nenuphar: A Fancy," "Denis," and "Eberhardt."
References: BL; EC
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