Title: Darby and Joan
Author and Title: Eliza Margaret von Booth. Darby and Joan
First Edition: London: John Maxwell, 1886. 3 volumes, post 8vo, 31s 6d.
- Household Words [II], 14 February 1885 to 30 May 1885 (weekly), Dates approximate
- Tamworth Herald, 30 June 1888 to 31 January 1889 (weekly), Dates approximate
- The Lancaster Gazette, 1 August 1888 to 23 January 1889 (weekly)
- The Northampton Mercury, 27 April 1889 to 31 August 1889 (weekly)
References: EC
- Search for title at The Online Books Page (please note: the search will take you out of At the Circulating Library)