Title: The Day's Work
Author and Title: Rudyard Kipling. The Day's Work
First Edition: London: Macmillan, 1898. 1 volume, cr. 8vo., 6s.
- "William the Conqueror", The Gentlewoman, 7 December 1895 to 28 December 1895 (weekly)
- "The Tomb of his Ancestors", Pearson's Magazine, December 1897
Summary: Contains the stories "The Bridge-Builders," "A Walking Delegate," "The Ship that Found Herself," "The Tomb of his Ancestors," "The Devil and the Deep Sea," "William the Conqueror," ".007," "The Maltese Cat," "Bread upon the Waters," "An Error in the Fourth Dimension," "My Sunday at Home," and "The Brushwood Boy."
References: BL; EC
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