Author: Frederick Vernon White
Author: Frederick Vernon White (1851–1932)
Alternate Name(s): F. V. White (familiar name)
Biography: Frederick Vernon White was born in 1851 in Marylebone. In his 20s, he wrote a novel First and Last (1873) which was roundly condemned by the Athenaeum: "Mr. White is responsible for about the most trashy book it has ever been our ill fortune to read. Impure, illiterate, and scurrilous, it is a disgrace to all concerned in its production." In 1881, he bought the publishing business of Samuel Tinsley and as F. V. White published books into the 1920s. Generally successful and prolific in the 1880s and 1890s, he survived a bankrupcy in 1908 and declined thereafter. He married Louise Brooks. He died in 1932.
Author Tags:
References: Athenaeum (3 May 1873); British Census (1881, 1901); Printing Times and Lithographer (15 July 1881); Times (1 July 1908)
Fiction Titles:
- First and Last: A Novel. 2 vol. London: Samuel Tinsley, 1873.