Title Tag: Setting: Middle East
- Annie Webb. Naomi: or, The Last Days of Jerusalem. 1 vol. London: Harvey and Darton, 1841.
- Sarah Barratt. Alethea: or, The Maid of the Desert. 1 vol. London: J. S. Hodson, 1849.
- Stefanos Xenos. The Devil in Turkey: or, Scenes in Constantinople. 3 vol. London: Effingham Wilson, 1850.
- Eliza Vere Foster. The Boatman of the Bosphorus: A Tale of Turkey. 3 vol. London: T. C. Newby, 1854.
- Morgan Peter Kavanagh. Aristobulus, the Last of the Maccabees: A Tale of Jerusalem. 3 vol. London: T. C. Newby, 1855.
- George William MacArth Reynolds. The Loves of the Harem: A Tale of Constantinople. 1 vol. London: John Dicks, 1855.
- George Meredith. The Shaving of Shagpat: An Arabian Entertainment. 1 vol. London: Chapman and Hall, 1856.
- John Mason Neale. Theodora Phranza: or, The Fall of Constantinople. 1 vol. London: Joseph Masters, 1857.
- Anonymous. Barzillai: or, The Triumph of Mercy. 1 vol. London: S. P. C. K., 1860.
- Andrew Archibald Paton. Melusina: A New Arabian Night's Entertainment. 1 vol. London: Longman, 1860.
- Hon. Mrs. Sugden. The Arabian Nights Entertainments: Arranged for the Perusal of Youthful Readers. 1 vol. London: Whittaker, 1863.
- Annie Webb. Ishmael the Yezidee: A Romance of Syrian Life. 1 vol. London: Darton and Hodge, 1865.
- Elizabeth Ann Finn. Home in the Holy Land: A Tale Illustrating Customs and Incidents in Modern Jerusalem. 1 vol. London: James Nisbet, 1866.
- Elizabeth Ann Finn. A Third Year in Jerusalem: A Tale Illustrating Customs and Incidents of Modern Jerusalem; or, A Sequel to Home in the Holy Land. 1 vol. London: James Nisbet, 1869.
- Agnes M. Gray. Adah, the Jewish Maiden: A Story of the Siege of Jerusalem. 1 vol. Edinburgh: William Oliphant and Co., 1873.
- Sir Henry Pottinger. Blue and Green: or, The Gift of God. A Romance of Old Constantinople. 3 vol. London: Chapman and Hall, 1879.
- J. W. Dungey. When the Ship Came Home: And Other Stories. 1 vol. London: National Temperance Publication Depôt, 1880.
- A Resident of the Last Three Years. The Tcherkess and his Victim: Sketches Illustrative of the Moral, Social, and Political Aspects of Life in Constantinople. 1 vol. : , 1880.
- Robert Louis Stevenson. New Arabian Nights. 2 vol. London: Chatto and Windus, 1882.
- Robert Louis Stevenson. More New Arabian Nights: The Dynamiter. 1 vol. London: Longman, 1885.
- John Cookson Fife-Cookson. Baylerbay: or, Strangers in Turkey. A Novel. 2 vol. London: Chapman and Hall, 1886.
- George Alfred Henty. For the Temple: A Tale of the Fall of Jerusalem. 1 vol. London: Blackie, 1888.
- Mary Jemima Albert. Behind the Kafes: A Story of Constantinople. 1 vol. Bristol: Arrowsmith, 1890.
- Henryk Sienkiewicz. Pan Michael: An Historical Novel of Poland, the Ukraine and Turkey. 1 vol. London: Osgood, McIlvaine, 1893.
- Edwin Hodder. In Strange Quarters: A Story of Constantinople. 1 vol. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1897.
- Kate A. Benton. Geber: A Tale of the Reign of Harun Al Raschid, Khalif of Baghdad. 1 vol. London: Grant Richards, 1900.