Small image of a man handing a book to a women across a counter.

At the Circulating Library

A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

Publisher: Samuel Tinsley in 1878

Titles published by Samuel Tinsley in the year 1878:

  1. Elizabeth Mary Alford.  The Fair Maid of Taunton: A Tale of the Siege.  1 vol.
  2. Anonymous.  Through the Shadows: A Novel.  2 vol.
  3. Anonymous.  Rose and Josephine: A Story.  1 vol.
  4. George Webb Appleton.  Frozen Hearts: A Romance.  3 vol.
  5. Annie Maria Armitt.  The Garden at Monkholme: A Novel.  3 vol.
  6. Jane Ashton.  Sophia: A Novel.  1 vol.
  7. Bernard Barker.  Eliot the Younger: A Fiction in Freehand.  3 vol.
  8. Bruton Blosse.  Ten Times Paid: A Story of the South.  1 vol.
  9. Harry Buchanan.  Fernvale: Some Pages of Elsie's Life.  1 vol.
  10. Mary Emily Cameron.  The House of the Achendaroch: An Old Maid's Story.  1 vol.
  11. Olga Cantacuzene.  In the Spring of my Life.  1 vol.
  12. Harriet Davis.  Loved and Unloved: A Story.  1 vol.
  13. Afred Fenn.  George Hern: A Novel.  3 vol.
  14. Ellen Gadesden.  Unto which she was not Born: A Novel.  1 vol.
  15. Theo Gift.  Maid Ellice: A Novel.  3 vol.
  16. Arthur Hamilton.  Lawrence Loftewalde: A Tale.  3 vol.
  17. John J. Hayden.  The Baron of Eppenfeld: or, The Poor Clare. A Mediaeval Romance.  1 vol.
  18. Laindon Hill.  They Were Neighbours: A Novel.  3 vol.
  19. Himself.  Life and Adventures of an Unfortunate Author.  1 vol.
  20. Cuthbert Hope.  From a Bed of Roses.  1 vol.
  21. George Joseph.  Vanessa Faire: A Novel.  1 vol.
  22. Agnes Law.  Eyes So Blue: A Novel.  3 vol.
  23. Janet Lewis.  Salthurst: A Novel.  3 vol.
  24. Augustus Mongredien.  Frank Allerton: An Autobiography.  3 vol.
  25. Theodore Russell Monro.  Love Lost but Honour Won: A Novel.  3 vol.
  26. Emma Newman.  The Last of the Haddons: A Novel.  3 vol.
  27. Kathleen O'Meara.  Are You My Wife?: A Novel.  3 vol.
  28. Harriett Agnes Page.  At the Eleventh Hour: A Novel.  1 vol.
  29. Mary W. Paxton.  By-ways: A Novel.  3 vol.
  30. Mrs. Pemberton.  Will is the Cause of Woe.  3 vol.
  31. William Clark Russell.  The Little Loo: A Story of the South Seas.  3 vol.
  32. Mary Elizabeth Shipley.  Cousin Deborah's Whim: A Tale.  3 vol.
  33. Sigma.  Miles: A Town Story.  1 vol.
  34. Sigma.  Sir Aubyn's Household: "A Plain Unvarnished Tale".  1 vol.
  35. Anne Maria Carter Smith.  Regent Rosalind: A Story.  1 vol.
  36. Jane H. Spettigue.  The Gregors: A Cornish Story.  1 vol.
  37. Henry Tagson.  Christiern the Wicked: An Historical Tale.  1 vol.
  38. Annie Louisa Walker.  Lady's Holm.  3 vol.
  39. William Bury Westall.  In Tropic Seas: A Tale of the Spanish Main.  1 vol.