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At the Circulating Library

A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

Browse Fiction Titles

The following fiction titles were published in volume format between 1837 and 1901 in Great Britain and Ireland. Titles with a particular character-type, genre, or setting can be found on the Browse Title Tags page. Each page of titles contains 250 titles; use the ABC-index to skip pages.


Title Author Year
Berthold the Goatherd Marianne Filleul 1885
Bertie and his Sister: A Domestic Story Alfred Harold Engelbach 1880
Bertie Bray Annie Thomas 1864
Bertie Clifton: or, Paul's Little Schoolfellow Evelyn Ward Everett Green 1891
Bertie Danby's Training Emma Leslie 1890
Bertie Lee: or, The Doorway of Life. A Boy's Book BTAO "Bertie Lee" 1862
Bertie Miller Sarah Jane Mayne 1872
Bertie's Birthday Present: or, Patience Rewarded Mary Ann Hubert Tandy 1869
Bertram: or, The Heir of Pendyne N. 1874
Bertram de Drumont Ella Baker 1888
The Bertram Family Elizabeth Rundle Charles 1876
Bertram Noel: A Story of Youth Emily Juliana May 1858
Bertram Pelham Fane: A Novel Matteo Brandt 1868
The Bertrams: A Novel Anthony Trollope 1859
Beryl and Pearl Agnes Giberne 1884
Beryl Fortescue Lady Duffus Hardy 1881
Beside Still Waters: A Novel William Mackay 1885
Beside the Bonnie Brier Bush Ian Maclaren 1894
Beside the Guns Mary Elizabeth Shipley 1897
Beside the River: A Tale Katharine Sarah Macquoid 1881
The Besieged City, and the Heroes of Sweden Mrs. Campbell Overend 1872
Besom Ben Edwin Waugh 1865
Bess: The Story of a Waif Annie S. Swan 1880
Bessie Julia Kavanagh 1872
Bessie Edith Elisa Cowper 1900
Bessie Mary Ashton 1878
Bessie Among the Mountains Joanna H. Mathews 1869
Bessie and Her Friends: A Sequel to Maggie and Bessie Joanna H. Mathews 1869
Bessie at School Joanna H. Mathews 1869
Bessie at the Sea-side Joanna H. Mathews 1868
Bessie Bleak, and the Lost Purse Mary Keary 1873
Bessie Brown and Her First Service: A Tale Jane M. Kippen 1874
Bessie Field: A Cottage Story Charlotte O'Brien 1864
Bessie Gordon's Story Maggie Symington 1874
Bessie Harrington's Venture Julia A. Mathews 1878
Bessie Lang Alice Corkran 1876
Bessie Mason's Victories Mary Ann Seamer 1878
Bessie on Her Travels Joanna H. Mathews 1871
Bessie's Ministry Alice Jane Briggs 1898
Bessie's Six Lovers: A Summer Idyl Henry Peterson 1877
Bessy Rane: A Novel Ellen Wood 1870
Bessy Wells Ellen Wood 1875
The Best Book: A Story for the Young Samuel Smiles 1887
Best for Her: A Novel Annie Thomas 1882
The Best of Chums and Other Stories Robert Richardson 1881
The Best of her Sex: A Novel Fergus Hume 1894
The Best of Husbands James Payn 1874
The Best of Intentions: A Story Geraldine Mockler 1898
Beta: A Novel Mrs. Bourne 1890
The Beth Book: A Study from the Life of Elizabeth Caldwell Maclure, ... Sarah Grand 1897
Bethesda Barbara Elbon 1884
The Betrayal of John Fordham Benjamin Leopold Farjeon 1896
Betrayed Dora Russell 1885
The Betrothal of James Charles Hannan 1898
The Betrothed Lovers: A Milanese Story of the Seventeenth Century Alessandro Manzoni 1845
Betsey Harold's Story J. C. 1876
The Bettaley Jewels E. M. C. Balfour Browne 1901
Better Days: A Tale Reginald Neale Shutte 1861
Better Dead J. M. Barrie 1888
Better Late than Never Emma Marshall 1898
The Better Man Arthur Paterson 1890
Better Never than Late and Other Stories Barbarina Charlotte Grey 1883
The Better Part: A Story Annie S. Swan 1884
A Better Patrimony than Gold: "It is only a pin." A Tale for Youth Charles Martel 1863
The Better Sort Henry James 1903
Better Than Gold Sarah Anne Jeffreys 1873
Better Than Good: A Story for Girls Annie E. Ridley 1880
Better than Revenge: A Story Anonymous 1885
Better than Rubies: Stories for the Young Illustrative of Familiar P... Anonymous 1870
The Better Way: or, What do I Live For? Randall Hunter Ballantyne 1858
Bettina May Crommelin 1900
Betty: A Sketch Anonymous 1880
Betty Musgrave Mary Williamina Findlater 1899
Betty Westminster: or, The Worship of Wealth. A Novel William Platt 1859
Betty's Bright Idea: And other Stories Harriet Beecher Stowe 1876
Betty's Vision and Mrs. Smith of Longmains Rhoda Broughton 1886
Between Life and Death: A Novel Frank Barrett 1890
Between Man and Wife: A Novel E. M. Davy 1887
Between Midnight and Dawn Georgina Drewry 1885
Between Sun and Sand: A Tale of an African Desert William Charles Scully 1898
Between the Acts: A Novel Constance H. D. Stocker 1884
Between the Cliffs: or, Hal Forrester's Anchor Emma Marshall 1873
Between the Devil and the Deep Sea Stella Maria Düring 1898
Between the Heather and the Northern Sea Mary Jane Linskill 1884
Between the Lights Lisette Earle 1879
Between the Lines: A Detective Story Burford Delannoy 1901
Between the Lines Walter Herries Pollock 1891
Between the Locks: or, The Adventures of a Water-Party BTAO "Motherless Maggie" 1879
Between the Locks: or, The Adventures of a Water-Party Edward N. Hoare 1879
Between the Silences and Other Stories Susan Rowley Richmond Lee 1894
Between Two Fires Iza Duffus Hardy 1873
Between Two Fires: A Story of the Boer War Harry Golding 1900
Between Two Loves: A Novel Robert Jones Griffiths 1872
Between Two Loves: A Tale of the West Riding Amelia E. Barr 1886
Between Two Opinions Algernon Gissing 1893
Between Two Opinions Mary Elizabeth Palgrave 1900
Between Two Sins, and Other Tales Charlotte M. Brame 1890
Between Two Stools: A Story Costa 1883
Between Two Wives: or, A Doctor's Dilemma William Turville 1898
Betwixt my Love and Me Eleanor Ashworth Towle 1885
Betwixt Two Lovers Gawin William Rowan Hamilton 1891
Beulah Augusta Jane Evans 1860
Beverley Priory, with Rescues from Lucknow: A Tale Anonymous 1859
Bevis: The Story of a Boy Richard Jefferies 1882
Beware!: A Voice from Shadowland Douglas Dalton 1887
Bewitched: A Love Story Emily Bennett 1895
The Bewitched Lamp Mary Louisa Molesworth 1891
Bewitching Iza Alexis Bouvier 1888
Beyminstre Ellen Wallace 1856
Beyond Atonement: A Story of London Life Arthur St. John Adcock 1896
Beyond Cloudland: A Novel Sybella Mary Crawley-Boevey 1888
Beyond Compare: A Story Charles Gibbon 1888
Beyond Escape Thomas St. Edmund Hake 1892
Beyond the Black Waters: A Tale Charlotte Maria Tucker 1890
Beyond the Church Frederick William Robinson 1866
Beyond the Dreams of Avarice Walter Besant 1895
Beyond the Great South Wall Frank Mackenzie Savile 1899
Beyond the Ice: Being a Story of the Newly Discovered Region Round t... George Read Murphy 1894
Beyond the Orange River: or, Scenes in Southern Africa Charles Bernard Gibson 1861
Beyond the Pale Bithia Mary Croker 1897
Beyond the Seas: Being the Surprising Adventures and Ingenious Opini... Oswald John Frederick Crawfurd 1887
Beyond these Dreams Gerald Beresford Fitzgerald 1899
Beyond These Voices: A Novel Earl of Desart 1870
Beyond these Voices: A Novel Mary Emma Egerton Eastwick 1901
Bianca Edith Bagot Harte 1893
Bianca Cappello: An Historical Romance Rosina Bulwer Lytton 1843
Bib and Tucker: Being the Revelations of an Infant in Arms. An Absur... Elsa D'Esterre Keeling 1884
Bible Noel: or, One Step Enough Harriette Emma Burch 1893
Bible Pearls: A Book for Girls Madeline Leslie 1869
A Bicycle of Cathay: A Novel Frank R. Stockton 1900
A Bid for a Coronet Alice Muriel Williamson 1901
A Bid for Fortune: or, Dr. Nikola's Vendetta Guy Boothby 1895
Bid me Discourse, and Other Tales Mary Cecil Hay 1883
Bid Me Good-bye Florence Henniker 1892
Biddy Kavanagh, and Other Stories Anonymous 1845
Bide Time and Tide James Torrington Newall 1872
The Big Bow Mystery Israel Zangwill 1892
The Big House and the Little House Anonymous 1884
The Big Otter: A Tale of the Great Nor'West R. M. Ballantyne 1887
A Big Stake: A Novel Ada Maria Jocelyn 1892
Big-Foot, the Guide: or, The Surveyors. A Tale of the Carolina Settl... W. J. Hamilton 1867
Biggles's Wharf Brothers Owen 1874
Bijli the Dancer James Blythe Patton 1898
Bilihild: A Tale of the Irish Missionaries in Germany, A.D. 703 Anonymous 1884
Bill Biddon, Trapper: or, Life in the North-West Edward S. Ellis 1861
Bill Marlin's Tales of the Sea Anne Jane Cupples 1867
Billets and Bivouacs: or, Military Adventures Anonymous 1858
The Billow and the Rock: A Tale Harriet Martineau 1846
The Billsbury Election and Other Papers from "Punch" Rudolph Chambers Lehmann 1892
Billy Bellew: A Novel William Edward Norris 1895
Billy Binks, Hero, and Other Stories Guy Boothby 1898
Billy Hamilton: A Novel Archibald Clavering Gunter 1898
Billy, the Acorn Gatherer Florence Edith Burch 1886
Bimbi: Stories for Children Ouida 1882
The Binks Family: The Story of a Social Evolution Henrietta Eliza Vaughan Stannard 1899
Birch Church: or, The Two Friends. A Narrative J. A. Nisbitt Macevoy 1853
Birch Dene: A Novel William Bury Westall 1889
A Bird of Paradise Charles Thomas Clement James 1889
A Bird of Passage Bithia Mary Croker 1886
The Bird of Passage: or, Flying Glimpses of Many Lands Isabella Frances Romer 1849
The Bird of Truth, and Other Fairy Tales Cecilia Böhl de Faber 1881
Birdie and Her Dog: With Other Natural History Stories Anonymous 1877
Birds of a Feather: or, The Two Schoolboys Margaret Howitt 1867
Birds of Prey: A Novel Mary Elizabeth Braddon 1867
The Bird's-Nest Stories Francis Elizabeth Barrow 1870
Birkheda Vicarage: The Story of a Woman's Influence Johanna Christina von Hofsten 1874
The Birth of a Soul: A Psychological Study Jane Josephine Phillips 1894
The Birth of the Century: or, Eighty Years Ago Emma Marshall 1881
The Birth-day Visit to Holly Farm Susan Bogert Warner 1860
The Birthday: A Tale for the Young Lady Harriet Howard 1844
The Birthright: A Novel Emilie Flygare-Carlén 1851
The Birthright: Being the Adventurous History of Jaspar Pennington o... Joseph Hocking 1897
The Birthright, and Other Tales Catherine Gore 1844
Births, Deaths, and Marriages Theodore Edward Hook 1839
Bis Emily Jane Gerard 1890
Biscuits and Grog: Personal Reminiscences and Sketches. By Percival ... James Hannay 1848
The Bishop's Amazement David Christie Murray 1896
The Bishop's Bible: A Novel David Christie Murray 1890
Bishop's Cranworth: or, Rosamond's Lamp Emma Marshall 1888
The Bishop's Daughter Erskine Neale 1842
The Bishop's Daughter in the Eleventh Century: A Story of the Dark A... Anonymous 1860
The Bishop's Delusion Frances M. Marshall 1896
The Bishop's Dilemma Ella D'Arcy 1898
The Bishop's Gambit Thomas Cobb 1901
The Bishop's Little Daughter Anonymous 1859
The Bishop's Secret Fergus Hume 1900
The Bishop's Wife: A Tale of the Papacy Leopold Schefer 1851
Bismillah Alec John Dawson 1898
The Bit o' Writin', and Other Tales. By the O'Hara Family John Banim 1838
A Bit of Holly Anonymous 1882
A Bit of Human Nature: and, The "Lively Fanny" David Christie Murray 1885
A Bit of Wool Elisabeth Boyd Bayly 1899
Bits of Turf Edward Spencer Mott 1901
Bitter and Sweet Sarah Doudney 1896
A Bitter Birthright Dora Russell 1891
A Bitter Debt: A Tale of the Black Country Annie S. Swan 1893
Bitter Fruit Caroline Emily Cameron 1901
A Bitter Heritage: A Modern Romance John Edward Bloundelle Burton 1899
Bitter is the Rind Hawley Smart 1870
A Bitter Penitence Clara Catherine Andrews 1898
A Bitter Repentance Lady Virginia Sandars 1888
Bitter Sweets: A Love Story Joseph Hatton 1865
Bitter to Sweet End: A Novel Emma Hosken Woodward 1877
A Bitter Vintage Katherine Douglas King 1899
The Bivouac: or, Stories of the Peninsular War William Hamilton Maxwell 1837
Black Abbey: A Novel May Crommelin 1880
Black and Gold: or, "The Don! The Don!" A Tale of the Circassian War William Henry Patten Saunders 1864
Black and Tan: A Novel William Thomas 1875
The Black and White House Lillie Crane 1902
The Black Angel: A Tale of the American Civil War William Stephens Hayward 1863
The Black Arrow: A Tale of the Two Roses Robert Louis Stevenson 1888
The Black Band: or, The Mysteries of Midnight Mary Elizabeth Braddon 1877
The Black Bar George Manville Fenn 1893
Black Beauty, His Grooms and Companions: The Autobiography of a Horse Anna Sewell 1877
Black Blood George Manville Fenn 1890
A Black Business: A Novelette Hawley Smart 1890
Black but Comely: or, The Adventures of Jane Lee George John Whyte-Melville 1879
The Black Carnation: A Riddle Fergus Hume 1892
The Black Cottage: or, Tom Brace's Picture. A Ghost Story for the Fi... W. E. Brougham 1880
The Black Crook: or, The Naughty Fairy Henry Llewellyn Williams 1873
The Black Crusoe Alfred Séguin 1879
The Black Danes Anonymous 1860
A Black Diamond: or, The Best and the Worst of It Isabella Mayo 1894
The Black Disc: A Story of the Conquest of Granada Albert Lee 1897
The Black Donkey: or, The Guernsey Boys Francesca Maria Steele 1881
The Black Douglas S. R. Crockett 1899
The Black Drop James Hume Nisbet 1891
Black Eyed Susan's Boys William Blanchard Jerrold 1876
Black Gull Rock: A Tale of the Cornish Wreckers John Jessop Teague 1897
Black Harry: or, Lost in the Bush Robert Richardson 1877
Black Heart and White Heart, and Other Stories H. Rider Haggard 1900
Black Hollow: or, The Dragoon's Bride. A Tale of the Ramapo in 1799 N. C. Iron 1866
Black Ivory: A Tale of Adventure among the Slavers of East Africa R. M. Ballantyne 1873
Black Jack and Other Temperance Tales for Boys and Girls Frances E. Reade 1884
A Black Jewel Edith Louisa Floyer 1888
The Black Knight: or, The Unknown Crusader Sylvanus Cobb 1859
The Black Lady of Rynge Castle, and Other Sketches Anonymous 1884
The Black Man's Ghost: A Story John Conroy Hutcheson 1889
The Black Mantle: or, The Murder at the Old Ferry. A Romance James Malcolm Rymer 1846
Black Mary Charlotte Stewart 1901
The Black Mask Ernest William Hornung 1901
The Black Mask: or, The Mysterious Robber Thomas Frost 1850
The Black Mass: A Contemporary Romance Frederic Edward Breton 1897
The Black Monk: or, The Secret of the Grey Turret. A Romance James Malcolm Rymer 1844
The Black Monk's Curse: A Tale of Justice Anonymous 1865
Black Moss: A Tale by a Tarn Arthur Robins 1864
The Black Panther: or, A Boy's Adventures among the Redskins Sir Lascelles Wraxall 1864
The Black Police: A Story of Modern Australia Arthur James Vogan 1890
The Black Poodle and Other Tales F. Anstey 1884
A Black Prince and Other Stories Dempster Heming 1893

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